Contact Us
For general enquiries, please contact Anne Ramadan, Receptionist, on 0207 732 2276 or via email at info@harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk.
Update your details: Please help us to keep in touch with you by updating your registered details. The quickest way to update your information is by sending an email to info@harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk. Please note after submitting your request it will take 2-3 working days to update your details.
For any general issue relating to your child's education, it is best to contact your daughter’s head of house.
- Imperial House: Ms N. Mehmet n.mehmet@harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk
- Manchester House: Ms L. Kidsley e.kidsley@harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk
- Oriel House: Mr M. Oviri m.oviri@harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk
- King’s House: Ms M. Noah m.noah@harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk
Heads of House can also be contacted via main reception from 8:00 to 4:00pm.
Principal – Jo Young info@harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk
Chair of Governors – Katharine Wootton info@harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Aimee Robson info@harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk
SEN Federation Consultant – Karen Sitch info@harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk
SENCO - Madeline Davis m.davis@harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk
Free school meals, Parent Pay and catering - Anne Ramadan (HGAED) A.Ramadan@harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk or at main reception 0207 732 2276
Admissions - Patricia Slater p.slater@harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk and 0207 732 2276 between 1pm and 3pm
Absence and attendance - Patricia Slater p.slater@harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk and 0207 732 2276 from 8:00am
Finance - Monique Hall finance@harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk
Out of hours enquiries
General queries can be addressed to Ms Natalie Francis, the Principal's PA at info@harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk.
If you have a concern about the safeguarding of a child, please call Southwark Childrens’ Social Care on 0207 525 5000, or contact MASH@southwark.gov.uk.
If you think a child is in immediate danger or in the event of an emergency, please call 999.
The academy has a wealth of support for families on our dedicated ‘Parent Hub’ page on the website here; https://www.harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk/1846/parent-advice-hub
Harris Girls Academy East Dulwich,
Homestall Road,
East Dulwich,
SE22 0NR
Telephone: 020 7732 2276
Fax: 020 7277 7785
E-mail Address: info@harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk
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