Exam Results
Students at Harris Girls' Academy East Dulwich celebrated achieving record GCSE exam results in August 2024, with 33% of grades are at Grade 7 or above, compared to 21.7% nationally. Find out more. Full details of our 2023-24 results, including Progress 8 score, will be added here once finalised.
Our 2023 Progress 8 score is 0.58+ with 27% of grades at Grade 7+. Students have continually demonstrated HGAED values of character and courage, demonstrating resilience and grit to achieve the very best grades possible.
We are so proud of their achievements and thank our expert teachers for passing on expert knowledge and instilling confidence in our students that everything is possible.
Key Stage 4 results 2023
The average Progress 8 score of Southwark schools is 0.34, which is one of the best in the country. We are incredibly proud that our students perform beyond this and have done consistently. Our curriculum is ambitious for all students and this can be seen with our EBacc entry at 92%, 53% higher than the national average.
- Progress 8 score: 0.58+ (2023)
- Attainment 8 score: 53.5 (46.3 national average)
- The percentage of pupils who achieved a pass (grade 4 and above) in English and Maths at the end of KS4: 74% (65% national average)
- Progress 8 score in English 1.06 (-0.04 national average)
- Progress 8 score in Maths 0.26 (-0.02 national average)
- The percentage of pupils entering for the English Baccalaureate (EBacc): 92% (national average 39%)
- The EBacc Average Point Score: 5.09 (4.05 national average)
- The percentage of pupils staying in education or employment after KS4: 96% (94% national average)
Overall, 27% of entries across the academy were Grades 7-9 (equivalent to A**/A*/A). An incredible 41% of students achieved Grade 7 or above in English Literature.
Stories of success...
A selection of our outstanding student results are listed here:
- Nenneh achieved Grade 8s in Chemistry, English Literature, Geography, Mathematic, Sociology and Grade 7s in Biology, English Language and Physics.
- Hannah achieved Grade 9 in Combined Science and Grade 7s in English Language, English Literature, Geography, Mathematics, Psychology.
- Alissia achieved Grade 9s in English Language, English Literature, Grade 8s in Chemistry, Economics, History, Mathematics and Spanish, Grade 7s in Biology and Physics.
- Faith Grade 8 in English Literature and Distinction* in Business Studies.
- Elizabeth B Grade 9s in Citizenship, English Literature and Mathematics, Grade 8s in Chemistry, Computer Science, English Language, History, Physics
- Amelie achieved Grade 9s in English Language and Literature, Geography, Design Technology, Grade 8 in Biology and Grade 7 in Mathematics.
- Shaina achieved Grade 8s in Citizenship, English Language, History and Grade 7’s in Spanish, Psychology, Combined Science and English Literature.
- Jada achieved Grade 9s in Geography, Spanish and Grade 8s in Biology, Chemistry, Citizenship, English Language, English Literature.
- Margot achieved Grade 9s in Fine Art, Biology, English Language, History, Mathematics, Psychology and Grade 8s in Chemistry, English Literature, Physics and Spanish.
- Jannah achieved Grade 9s in Biology, Chemistry, English Language, English Literature, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Spanish.
- Abena achieved Grade 9 in English Literature, Grade 8s in Citizenship, English Language, History, and Grade 7s in Psychology, Spanish and Combined Science.
- Camila achieved Grade 9s in Chemistry, English Literature, Geography, Physics, Spanish and Grade 8s in Biology, Mathematics and Psychology.
- Elizabeth O achieved Grade 9 in History, Religious Studies and Grade 8s in English Literature, Mathematics, Grade 7’s in Combined Science, English Language and Distinction* in Business Studies.
- Iris achieved Grade 9 in English Literature, Grade 8s in Photography, Textiles, English Language, History, Grade 7s in Mathematics and Combined Science.
- Amna achieved Grade 8’s in English Language, English Literature, Geography, Grade 7s Textiles, Biology, Mathematics and Spanish.
- Housamatu achieved Grade 8s in English Literature, English Language, History and Mathematics and Grade 7s in Psychology.
- Zuzanna achieved Grade 9s in Textiles, Grade 8 in Geography and Garde 7s in Photography, English Language, English Literature.
Further information about school performance, including post 16, can be found here: https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk/school/132711/harris-girls'-academy-east-dulwich/secondary